Know Your Body


Mary Dalgleish has created an eminently accessible and informative book. Whilst containing detailed information regarding human anatomy and physiology appropriate for the medical level, it remains a delightful and pleasing read. A deep and expansive addition to any library; it is an edition no serious student of human health should be without!

Michael S. Fenster, MD, FACC, FSCA&I, PEMBA: Adjunct Professor of Medicine (Culinary Medicine), The Kansas Health Science Center, Wichita, Kansas; Executive Faculty, West Virginia University School of Medicine; Faculty, University of Montana College of Health; Faculty, University of Montana, Missoula College Culinary Arts Program


All in all, Know Your Body delivers three principal benefits: it is a joy to read; its contents meet an important requirement for the practitioner dedicated to improving the health of their patients; and it provides those who invest time in reading it with a deeper grasp of how the innumerable complex processes of the body function together holistically as an orchestra performs a symphony. 

Gabriel Mojay: Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy (Principal); Founding Co-Chair of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA); Author of “Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit”


This is a wonderful book, crammed full of information, a truly valuable resource for complementary therapists and bodyworkers. Together with the KNOW YOUR BODY Workbook, it’s excellent for studying anatomy and physiology, and great for revising and refreshing knowledge.

Sally Kay: Multi-award winning reflexology practitioner, researcher, educator, author and innovator of Reflexology Lymph Drainage 


I’d just like to tell you that since purchasing and reading your book a couple of months ago, I love it – Congratulations! You must feel very proud. Anatomy & Physiology is not an easy topic for many students to understand. However, with regards to ‘Know your Body’ it encompasses comprehensive knowledge and appealing content, with great visuals – I will definitely recommend it to College students – et al.   

Judith Hadley: Experienced complementary therapy practitioner and educator; Feng Shui consultant


The companion to the ”Know Your Body” text, this workbook is a wonderful study aid, providing multiple choice tests, crossword puzzles, words searches and other exercises to reinforce, test, and supplement readings on human anatomy and physiology.

Questions and content are organized clearly and answers are provided to all questions in a separate section at the back of the workbook.

The coverage of areas provided is very complete, with quizzes based on specific body systems and topics, followed by mixed multiple choice tests, which span multiple areas and provide more comprehensive testing. 

Quizzes are also provided on specific disorders, organized by body system, with formats including multiple choice, crosswords, and fill in the blank questions.

An invaluable learning aid, the completeness and multiple views provided by this workbook into the material covered make this aid a stand-out addition to any health students library.

Thank you to the author for an advance review copy of this workbook. The thoughts presented are my own.

Terri Portelli: book lover, book reviewer and a voracious reader!


This is a fabulous book. Mary has written Know Your Body in such an easy style you can nearly read it like a novel! At the same time she offers comprehensive information about all aspects of Anatomy and Physiology. As a longstanding student of A&P I am delighted to have it as a resource. Equally, I highly recommend it for anyone interested in learning about their body. Five stars.

Astrid Kauffmann: BSc, TIDHA, MFHT
Authorized Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and
Self Help Teacher since 2001
Diploma Holistic Aromatherapy


Hello there Mary Dalgleish,

I just wish to thank you so very much for creating this means of ‘knowing our body’. I’m about to partake in further training in Indian Head Massage here in Victoria Australia and have  also cherished your book on this for years.
Being a Yoga/ Deep relaxation teacher/practitioner, and therapeutic masseuse, with years of experience, I have relished your more recent book, ‘Know your Body’. It’s a joy from which to learn.
Now 72, I am enjoying the opportunity to be selective with my work and further study and have also taken up the harmonica and loving it.
It was interesting reading your comprehensive information on ‘breathing’.
Thank you for being so thorough and delightful in your presentation.
Stay well.

Kindest regards Jilda Liddicut,
Principal of Gaia School of Yoga and Flow of Life


I was sent this handsome book by the author herself. It’s a must-have compendium of human anatomy and physiology for students of human health. Mary’s hope is that it is also readable by anyone, and it certainly is. The book was a finalist in the Page Turner Awards 2020.  

Know Your Body covers all manner of current topics including Covid 19, inflammation and its effect on the body. It uses UK statistics and data. On a personal level, I found the section about the heart, and in particular cholesterol and triglycerides, very interesting. I have signed up for an NHS research programme called Future Health and had blood tests last week. My triglycerides were high. This was a shock because I don’t eat processed foods or drink alcohol, and am active. However, my diet is high in fat because I avoid many carbs. Clearly large amounts of dairy and meat are having a bad impact long-term. I’m now cutting down on dairy and incorporating more fruit and grains. As someone with low blood pressure  (hereditary), heart disease was something I thought I wouldn’t need to worry about! 

Gail Hanlon – Blogger & book lover 


This is what you have been waiting for, it is the best book on this subject I have read! I highly recommend it and so do our tutors too. You will not be disappointed.

Sue Bailey: Director Gateway Workshops Ltd.


As a complementary therapies teacher of over 18 years and an examiner, it is always paramount to me to find the perfect textbook for my students.  Know Your Body is just that.  It is perfectly pitched at the level needed for students who are studying to become professional practitioners in aromatherapy, massage or reflexology.  Containing all the necessary elements of the syllabus for those disciplines, Mary has elegantly woven the key information into a readable and enjoyable text.  Written in a style that will make it easy to understand and memorable come exam time and for years afterwards.  I highly recommend this text to all therapists, student and qualified practitioners alike as a great source of information and reference.

Julia Oyeleye: Complementary therapist, teacher, examiner


As an Ayurvedic Practitioner, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mary Dalgleish’s highly accessible book on Human Anatomy and Physiology and had wished it had been published many moons ago when I was still a student! As a very experienced teacher of Anatomy and Physiology for over 20 years, Mary’s book is filled with helpful examples, diagrams and photos to aid in your study and understanding. I particularly enjoyed using the accompanying workbook to help consolidate my knowledge – I loved the word searches and crossword puzzles! I will definitely recommend this book to other students of Ayurveda.

Colette Park: BSc (Hons) Ayurveda, MSc Clinical Nutrition: Ayurvedic Practitioner, committee member of the Ayuredic Professionals Association UK (APA)

Is there anything more fascinating than our bodies, our health, and the factors that keep them happily intertwined?

This wonderful book agrees, providing an in-depth and captivating look at virtually every aspect of human anatomy and physiology including:

Anatomy – an extensive guide to how our bodies are structured, from the tiniest biochemical components – atoms and molecules, to various types of cells, which are in turn organized into the body’s major tissue types, organs and systems.

Physiology – the healthy and the pathological inter-functioning of our body parts; how components naturally strive to work together in balance; what happens when we age, fight infection or encounter external challenges (stress, physical injuries); what nutrients and conditions are needed to support and nourish healthy inter-functioning of the body and brain.

Written in language that is very accessible to the lay reader, this book has both an incredible breadth and depth, making it highly suitable to also serve as a reference text, or study guide for any student in a health-related field.

Although some topics were recognizable to me from high school or university biology courses (eg. cell biology, mitosis, meiosis and the study of DNA/RNA and viruses) – the author has a wonderful gift in her ability to take complex subjects apart, identify the key ideas, and allow us to form new and essential connections to the extent that this new knowledge becomes transformational. So many areas of biology and chemistry, disconnected bits and pieces floating in my brain, now slot into a framework, a structure, that the author has seamlessly provided, that open new doors to thinking about healthy body functioning, holistically. (How wonderful for those students able to experience this first-hand, with this book, in the midst or beginning of their studies).

One interesting end-to-end example provided is the description of psoriasis – which is a skin condition triggered by stress, followed by the release of cortisol (stress hormone) by the central nervous system, which in turn triggers the immune system to increase inflammatory proteins, which can cause overgrowth of skin cells. With the broad-based understanding gained of the anatomy of both the CNS, and the immune system, as well as the interplay (physiology) of the hormones, cytokines involved in normal and autoimmune conditions, a once confusing condition becomes infinitely more understandable and hopefully, manageable.

In addition to a valuable guide for students, this book would be a wonderful reference addition to any home library.

A great big thank you to the author for an advance review copy of this essential book. All thoughts presented are my own.

Terri Portelli: book lover, book reviewer and a voracious reader!

Review from Linkedin